Wednesday, July 21, 2010

12-Week "Experiencing God" class completed.

The 2nd class of the "Experiencing God" study by Blackaby completed the course this past Monday, July 19, at Bay Area Fellowship. The program included a summary of the lessons learned in the course, an introduction of service ministries and discipleship groups, prayer, and cake & ice cream. The point of the evening was about next steps to apply what they had learned into their lives. The next class will begin sometime in early 2011. See pics here...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week #2 of "The Measure of a Man" study, join us!

This Monday, July 19, we kick off the second week of "The Measure of a Man" study covering the topics of living in moral purity (the husband of one wife) and living a balanced life (a temperate man).

Again, this study is based on the book titled The Measure of a Man by Gene Getz, and the study is designed for you to plug in at any time and not miss a beat. So, take a look at the calendar below and pick a day to plug in. Bring your Bible and an open heart.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

BAF Men Discipleship Groups Start a New Study This Week

"The Measure of a Man" by Gene Getz has been converted into a study guide just for BAF Men. For the next 10 weeks, we will study and implement the 20 qualities every Christian man should develop (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-10). These qualities are identified throughout the Bible, but the Apostle Paul lists them for us in two letters to Timothy and Titus, which makes this all the easier for us today.

The Monday & Wednesday groups have already covered the first study which covered the list of 20 qualities and dove into the first two qualities of being a (1) well-rounded faithful man and (2) someone of good reputation.

Here's the exciting challenge. Get to a group and make the commitment to grow in your understanding and relationship with God. Satan does not want you to know what we have to cover. Satan does not want you to build the kind of relationships, and alliances, with other Christian men that will grow your understanding of God's Word in the Bible and hold you accountable to living an authentic life centered on Jesus Christ. Satan flat out does not want you to be closer to God. Frankly, if he can convince the man of a household to quit, he has taken out the entire family.

We have set up the studies to be used independently or in conjunction with the book. We have books on order so you can read along and get an even deeper understanding of this study, but it is designed in a way that all you have to do is show up with an open heart and a Bible.

Don't have a book? No problem, we have some on order for you.

Have a book, but you haven't read this week's chapters? No problem, the study is designed just for you.

Don't have a book, and missed the first week of the study? No problem, each discussion/lesson works as a great stand along lesson, so you can plug into a group and still get something out of this. We designed this just for you as well.

Have a book, been reading it, and have the time to attend a group, but haven't? Well, get into a group! What's your excuse?

We've removed the excuses so you can make the commitment. Come join us and deepen your relationship with God starting this week.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

BAF Westside Block Party Postponed

For the time being, the BAF Westside Block Party is postponed. We will let you know when it is back on again. Thanks for your help in preparing for this event.

Also, we will not be handing out fliers on Saturday, July 10, to invite people to the postponed Block Party, so come play paintball at Splatter Action Paintball on Chapman Ranch Road. Registration begins at 9:30am and the first game kicks off at 10am after a prayer and a quick word about God. Cost is just $20 (rental, gun, all-day air, mask, and 500 rounds included.)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Finding Success That Matters

How can a man get exactly what he wants and not be happy? The fact is that many men today are getting exactly what they want in life, but are still hurting. For some, life just hasn't turned out the way they planned. In any case, most men feel a lack of contentment in life.

A man's life consists of his relationships according to an article written by Patrick Morley of Man in the Mirror Ministries titled "Finding Success That Matters". Our most important relationships are with God, our wives, and our children in that order.

Click here to read more from Patrick Morley regarding success sickness, having the right goals, the three viruses that infect men with "success sickness" (the rat race, unexamined lives, and cultural Christianity).

Are you a cultural Christian?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Who is a Disciple of Jesus and What Does He Look Like?

(Taken from Disciples Are Made Not Born by Walter Henrichsen)

Who Is a Disciple of Jesus Christi And What Does He Look Like?

"A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master." Matthew 10:24

  1. The disciple is one who in every area of his life determines from the Bible what is right and lives it consistently.
  2. The disciple is one who is in constant touch with people in need.
  3. In no way can a person get without giving or truly live without dying.
  4. The disciple is one who is in tune with the voice of the Spirit of God.
  5. One of the fundamental requisites for true discipleship is a spirit of desperation that burns deep within your soul.
  6. In paying the price for being Christ's disciple, we must purposefully destroy all avenues of retreat.
Jeff Powell

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

BAF Westside Block Party Shopping List

If you can help with any of the following items please contact Pastor Brandon Cunningham ASAP at 361-288-1054, or email

  • Price for rentals of canopies since it could get above 90 that day.
  • Someone in charge of Skid-o-cans or something like that for the day.
  • Moonwalks/obstacle course rentals or various stuff.
  • BAF Men will be in charge of cooking hamburgers and hot dogs. Would love donated meat and or hot dogs.
  • Someone to run popcorn machine.
  • Someone to snow cone machine.
  • Someone to run cotton candy machine.
  • Need lots of coolers for ice and drinks. ICE WILL BE DONATED
  • We need someone to see if we can get drinks donated.
  • Need volunteers to run games, supervise the kids on bounce stuff.
  • Need set up and tear down crew. Lots of trash to pick up.

We're Hosting a Block Party at BAF Westside, July 17, 10am-2pm.

We will be handing out fliers throughout the community of BAF Westside July 10th for the BAF Westside Block Party on July 17.

BAF Men will be in charge of cooking hamburgers and hot dogs. Please contact Shawn Albright, BAF Men Director, at 361-728-7521 if you can help with any of the following items:

  • Hamburgers
  • Hot Dogs
  • Buns (hamburgers & hot dogs)
  • Chips
  • Anything else worth grilling and giving away
  • Men to operate the grills
  • Men to donate grills for the day
  • Firewood
  • Charcoal
  • Lighter Fluid
  • Lighters/matches
This will be a great opportunity to reach the community for Christ and share His love and glory.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Measure of a Man

True masculinity isn't measured by strength but by these 20 biblical guidelines drawn from the apostle Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus. (Found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-10.)

  1. Overall spiritual maturity (a well-rounded man)
  2. Above reproach (a man of good repute)
  3. The husband of one wife (morally pure)
  4. Temperate (balanced in words and actions)
  5. Prudent (wise and humble)
  6. Respectable (good role model)
  7. Hospitable (unselfish and generous)
  8. Able to teach (communicates sensitively in a non-threatening and nondefensive manner)
  9. Not addicted to wine (not addicted to substances)
  10. Not self-willed (not self-centered and controlling)
  11. Not quick-tempered (void of anger that becomes sinful)
  12. Not pugnacious (not abusive)
  13. Gentle (sensitive, loving, and kind)
  14. Peaceable (nonargumentative and nondivisive)
  15. Free from the love of money (nonmaterialistic)
  16. Manages his own household well (a good husband and father)
  17. Loving what is good (pursues Godly activities)
  18. Just (wise, discerning, nonprejudiced and fair)
  19. Devout (holy, devoted to God)
  20. Self-controlled (disciplined)
BAF Men will be studying The Measure of a Man by Gene A Getz beginning July 12, 2010. Want to dive deeper into these qualities and learn how to apply them to your own life? Attend a BAF Men Discipleship group that meets weekly throughout town. See the calendar below, choose a day, grab an accountability partner and MAKE the commitment to attend.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Beautify the Westside Continues...

Thank you to the Westside staff and members, BAF Students, BAF Men and Janes for all your hard work and selfless use of time! You ARE making a difference in this area of our community!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Father's Day Celebration at BAF was a great success

The Father's Day Celebration at BAF was a great success. Thank you to those who contributed to the day's festivities where we had BBQ for families, Wii for dads, cars & motorcycles on display, a paintball demo table, and so much more.

We were also able to give away 500 copies of The Measure of a Man by Gene A. Getz. This resource identifies 20 key character traits a man must have to lead in Christ.

Check out pictures of the day's event.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day from BAF

Be sure to get to BAF this weekend for a special Father's Day celebration. BAF Men will have something special for dads when they arrive for services on Saturday and Sunday. You'll definitely want to take some extra time before and after the service to soak it all in. God bless, and Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BAF Westside Beautification Update

Between 60 - 75 people from BAF rallied together to kick off a Summer of Contribution at BAF Westside. With 2 students grilling and serving up hot dogs to volunteers, the following was accomplished by our volunteers:

  • parking areas where cleaned of grass and dirt

  • painted swings and monkey bars

  • righted and repaired 300 ft of chain link fence

  • removed old basket ball goals and painted goal post

  • trimmed and removed brush and over grown trees from 2/3s of property

  • removed stumps from front of building

  • prepped and painted front steps

  • built shelves and storage for Jane's Closet and painted

  • sorted diapers and clothes for Jane's Closet.

Thanks to all the volunteers who came from BAF Students, BAF Westside (and multi-sites), BAF Janes, & BAF Men, and those who felt led by God on Sunday after the church services. Thank you for making a commitment to demonstrate to the Westside community that Bay Area Fellowship is here to stay, to serve, and most of all, to bring the Gospel to all who need it.

Ray Witherspoon on BAF Westside Project

When it was first suggested that we (BAF Men) take on this project, we as the new Core Men [of BAF Men] had only one informal get-to-know-you meeting and not sure in what direction we should be going. As some of us have learned in the Experiencing God class, [God] is at work all around us. All we have to do is listen to Him, look, and join in. I have never been involved in a project like this before much less tried to organize one, so that being said it truly was God working and putting things in order for it to happen. I am not an organizer. I am a worker. Thank you God for the direction and the people that mad this possible.

Ray Witherspoon recently joined the core group of men who lead BAF Men.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BAF is committed to the Westside Campus and the surrounding community. Most men want to be a part of something big and be able to see tangible results for their efforts, and here is the perfect opportunity. The campus is in great need of some improvements and repairs. BAF Men will be taking on a huge part of this.

Show up this Sunday at the Westside Campus (Cesar Chavez Middle Academy at 3701 Mueller in Corpus Christi) immediately after the 1:00pm service and be ready to work.

Click here to see the “Project list” and “Supplies/Tools list”. Bring whatever tools you have. Most importantly, we need AC Units and a stack-able washer and dryer as soon as possible.

We are looking for as many donated and discounted items and services we can get, especially if you can get your hands on 200 acoustic ceiling tiles!

You will be serving, meeting new people, and making a huge difference in the community. Bring the family and spend the day together.

If you have any items to donate or have questions regarding the work to be done, please contact Ray Witherspoon at (361) 533-6651 or David Rotter at (361) 765-2419.


Shawn Albright (361) 728-7521
Director of Men's Ministry
Bay Area Fellowship

PS...We will be grilling up and serving hot dogs on site as well!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Message from Shawn Albright - BAF Men New Leadership

May 24, 2010

As you may know, Brandon has taken on a new responsibility within the church as Campus Pastor at the Westside Campus. In addition, several of the Men's Ministry core leadership team have also been asked to take on new leadership roles; therefore, we have formed a new team of leaders.

A huge thanks goes out to Brandon Cunningham, Scott Bram, Scott Walker, David Habib, and Roger Potts for all their hard work and contributions. They will all continue to be active in the Men's Ministry, but will do so in new roles within the church. They have laid a firm foundation from which we will continue to build. The new core leadership of the Men's Ministry will be Jerry Dugan, David Rotter, Ray Witherspoon, Doug Cook, Jeff Powell, Roger Rincon, and myself. I can't wait to see how God will work through this group of men. In the near future, we plan to get together and completely evaluate what we have done in the past, what we are currently doing, and where God is leading us in the future. Please pray for this group of men that we will be obedient to what God wants us to do and have the strength and faith to get involved where God is already at work.

Shawn Albright
Director of Men's Ministry
Bay Area Fellowship

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Train the called; do not call the trained

byMark Driscoll Preaching Pastor at Mars Hill Church

This is a series on 11 Leadership Lessons from 12 Disciples, based on the recent sermon Jesus Calls the Twelve, on Luke 6:12-16.

Lesson #4: Train the called; do not call the trained

Jesus called his leaders. He didn't get a committee. They didn't take a congregational vote. They didn't do nominations. Jesus called them. Jesus still calls people into ministry. We believe that. Acts 20 says that the Holy Spirit chooses the leaders in the church, he appoints the overseers. So God still picks leaders. Jesus still picks leaders through the indwelling, empowering, calling of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus trained the called. We don't make leaders, God does. We recognize them, and then train them.

Find your calling

Some of you will have a calling, and sometimes your calling will be like mine. Mine was obvious. God spoke to me, "Marry Grace, plant churches, train men, preach the Bible." Okay, that's what I'm doing. For some of you, you'll be reading the Bible, and you'll see something or somebody, and it's all of a sudden like that just leaps out at you, you're like, "That's it. That's what I want to do. That's what I want to give my life to." Or you meet somebody in the Bible, you're like, "I'm like them. I want to do what they're doing. That's what I need to do." That could be your calling. And sometimes it's trial and error, you're like, "I tried that, I'm no good at it. I tried that, I'm no good at it. I tried that. Hey, that actually works. I'm pretty good at that, and I like that. God seems to bless it when I serve in that area."

Calling also can be just that deep-rooted sense of "have to" in your gut. It could be the Holy Spirit. So you say, "I have to help abuse victims. I have to help the poor. I have to help single moms. I have to help kids. I have to help men learn to be fathers." Right, there's something in your gut, and it's there from God. It's the beginning of a calling, and it starts with a real passion. Maybe there are certain things in life, you kind of ebb and flow, and the enthusiasm is hot and cold, but this is something that's consistent.

Delight in the Lord

See, for me, I see it this way: how do you know you're called to something? Well, part of it is God gives you an innate desire. That's why it says in 1 Peter 5, "Don't lead because people made you lead, lead because you desire to, that you want to." That's why Paul says elsewhere, "If anyone desires the office of overseer, it's a noble thing they desire." It's a good thing to have a desire. So I was talking to a new Christian recently and they were unsure about God's calling on their life. "I don't know what God wants me to do. Got all these new decisions to make in life now that I'm a new Christian." And they were very kind of panicked about it, "What do I do?" I said, "Don't worry about God's calling, first worry about God. The Bible says, 'Delight yourself in the Lord, and he'll give you the desires of your heart.'" I said, "Are you enjoying the Lord?" They said, "Yeah, I'm reading my Bible. I'm praying. I'm in a community group and reading good books, and I'm repenting of sin, and I'm seeing the ways that I'm not like Jesus, and my life is changing and yeah, I feel like there's momentum, and I'm really excited about Jesus, and I'm growing." "Great."

This person looked at me and said, "Well, what do I do?" I said, "Do whatever you want." They're like, "What? Do whatever I want?" "Yeah, because if you delight yourself in the Lord, he'll give you the desires of your heart. He'll put desires on your heart, so that God's desires become your desires." Augustine said it this way, "Love God and do whatever you please." I said, "Well, what do you like?" They're like, "Well, I like serving people, and I'm pretty extroverted and, you know, I like welcoming people." "So you want to be a greeter?" "Yeah, I'd love to be a greeter. And I love hospitality and I love getting people together." "So someday you'd like to be a community group leader?" "That'd be great. I'm not ready yet, but maybe I could apprentice and get ready." "Yeah, that'd be a great idea. How does that sound?" "That sounds really fun. Should I do it?" "Do you want to?" "Yeah, well, how do I know if it's God will or my will?" "Well, if you're enjoying the Lord, his will becomes your will. He's glorified, you're satisfied, other people are helped. Everybody wins, that's ministry." It's more about our heart enjoying the Lord, and then we'll want to do what he wants us do.

You need to know this: I like my job. I love to preach and teach the Bible. There are, quite frankly, a lot of things that I get excited about, that I lose excitement for; studying the Bible, teaching the Bible, my whole life, ever since I got saved at age nineteen I've been pretty fired up about that. People ask me all the time, they're like, "How do you study that much?" I like it. It helps. Alright, unlike some jobs, which you're like, "I don't like it," that's hard, and maybe God's called you to a hard job, but when it comes to ministry, particularly for those of you who are volunteering, it's a great opportunity to say, "I want to do something that I like and I'm good at, and helps people and glorifies God, and I just get to pick something that fits." That's all.

Jesus trained the called

Jesus trained the called. These twelve were already part of his ministry, they're already serving. They're already following him. They're already responding to him. They're already submitting to him, so he starts training them. "All right, we're going to teach you guys, open your Bibles, we're going to have some discussion. We're going to run some classes. You're going to do some experiences. We're going to let you go out and pray, cast out a few demons, help the sick. You kids are going to get your feet wet now. It's going to be busy time."

He doesn't call the trained, and this is where ministry's gone wrong in the modern era. Jesus didn't go to where they trained the scribes, or up to the temple where they trained the priests. He didn't go to the equivalent of the Bible college or the seminary and say, "Alright, who's head of the class? Alright, who's Pharisee of the month? I want that kid, that's who I want." He didn't do that, because you can be trained but not called. You can go to school for something that God hasn't asked you to do, and you've got all the credentials, but you don't have any of the courage.

And I'm not against training. I've got a master's degree in theology, and I'm not against seminary or Bible college. We've got a school, Re:Train, we love to train people, but calling precedes training. Has God burdened you for something? Do you want to do it? Will you do it? Great, we'll help you do it. But see, people can help train, but only God can call. If God hasn't called you, we can't call you. Many of you need to be careful. You'll think, "I'm going to go get a degree for ministry." Do ministry, volunteer, check it out. Let us then help train you, and find a slot to get you developed, but it may not be your thing. There was a controversial report some years ago that said that upwards of three-fourths of those who graduate from Bible college and seminary go into ministry and leave within the first five years, never to return. It means they spent years training for something that they're not going to do, why? Because there's a difference between calling the trained into ministry, and training the called for ministry. It starts with a calling.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Are There Boundaries when Reaching the Lost?

Are There Boundaries when Reaching the Lost?

May 6, 2010 by John C. Atkinson

As many of you know we recently did a big event for Easter called “The Ultimate Giveaway.” We gave away millions of dollars worth of “donated” items in hopes of attracting folks far from God to church so they could hear a message of hope and salvation on arguably the most important day we celebrate as Christians.

As you can imagine the Christian critics came out in force! Those that disagreed with us accused us of fostering things like greed and envy. I have a couple of simple questions that I hope will generate some responses!

1) In your opinion, is anything, short of sin, off limits when it comes to reaching those farthest from God? Read the question carefully before commenting because we are not talking about allowing sin for the greater good!

I ask that because we were lambasted by Christians and church leaders who accused us of some ugly things simply because we gave cars and things away at Easter! I guess I just don’t understand how thousands of people giving away their personal stuff to people they don’t know simply because they wanted to them to find Jesus, is somehow a bad thing.

So heres how it went. Our people modeled selflessness and gave, and I am so proud to say they gave like crazy, the things they gave away were given to complete strangers with nothing expected in return, which enticed thousands of people to come to church on Easter that probably never would have otherwise, some clearly for the wrong reasons which was expected, but in-spite of that, 1556 people prayed to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ for the first time in their lives, and BAF grew significantly as many of those who made that commitment are coming back and worshipping regularly now.

So here’s another question:

2) How does any of any of that dishonor Jesus and the sacrifice He made on the cross?

Are we not called to reach the lost? Isn’t that what going after the one sheep means? If were to go out and make disciples and baptize them as Jesus commanded, doesn’t that mean that to fulfill that command we have to reach people that are not yet baptized or saved? Does taking the Gospel to all nations mean only to saved church attending folks? Obviously we (the Western Church) are not doing a great job of spreading the Gospel as were losing a generation, so wouldn’t doing anything shy of sin be better than surrendering and watching the Gospel die out slowly?

I’m interested to hear what you think, but remember this before you comment, as Christians, how we feel about something certainly matters, but those feelings must also align with the Word of God! Just because your church doesn’t do something a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s wrong!

Please hear my heart, this is not about BAF, this is about a deeper question that we as believers and leaders must ask ourselves, because the world around us is leaving The Church in numbers never before seen! Whats sad is that while this downfall is happening, far too many of us are wasting our time criticizing each other instead of doing what ever it takes to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to very lost and broken world!

Let’s Discuss, and we can disagree, but please do so with respect or your post will not make it on here!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BAF West Side Doing Well, Reaching the Lost, Could Use Some Long-Term Commitment

by Jerry Dugan

The BAF West Side campus had its grand opening on Easter Sunday, and with help from many volunteers initially, 580 people attended with 92 people beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ.

BAF West Side is now consistently seeing attendance around 100 people each weekend. Brandon Cunningham, former Director of BAF Men, was asked to take the lead at BAF West Side as its first Campus Pastor, and the campus continues to serve the local area by bringing Pastor Bil's message to the community every weekend and inviting people to begin an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Much of the work at this campus has been completed by only a dedicated few each and every week. Men such as Rome Gregorio, Wayne Meyer, Clem Ortiz, Scott Bram, and more who are bringing their families not to attend service at BAF West Side but to serve.

This has been a great start, but work is just getting started. BAF West Side could use help completing its build out projects, but more importantly the community of BAF West Side needs sustained volunteer support.

If you have felt the pull on your heart to make a move to BAF West Side and make a difference in a community that desperately needs God's message of love, forgiveness, and salvation to be heard, then don't hesitate to contact Pastor Brandon Cunningham at or call 361-288-1054.

2(Jesus) told them "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.3 Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves." Luke 10:2-3 NIV

Go to the West Side campus at BAF and become a worker for God's kingdom. Go become fishers of men through your service there.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Isaiah 53

by Scott Bram,

I read Isaiah 53 a couple of weeks ago and it completely messed me up. I mean I've read this before but it never hit me the way that it did this particular morning. It literally brought me to tears. I got choked up telling my wife about it. I suggest that you read it, but here is a portion:

Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. Isaiah 53: 4-6

This is Old Testament prophecy of Christ and what He would do for the world. What He did for me!! I mean, I understand what Christ did for me, but this particular morning it was revealed to me anew. I got it! It broke my heart and, in breaking my heart, it changed my prayers.

I now pray that God will break my heart for what breaks His. It scares me because I don't know where that might lead, but I want to be able to show others the grace and mercy that Christ has already shown to me. After the gift that He has given me, how could I not share that with others? I have to! I struggle with this because it takes me out of my comfort zone, but I'm learning.

Is your heart broken? If so, have you turned to Christ and asked for His grace and mercy? If not, you should - He will take your burden and make it light.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Experience Serving with the Furniture Ministry

by Jerry Dugan

On Monday, I received a phone call from a single mother of 4 who needed a stove the next day in order to receive approval for Section 8 housing. This may not sound like much to you, but for this woman and her four children it was a fresh start putting her children in a safe home and into schools that would give them a fighting chance at a future as well.

I passed her information along to the Furniture Ministry team leader, Doug Cook, and he got to work on it right away.

Here's the miracle of it all, our storage unit is empty, we are out of furniture to give away at this time, but God provided. Within hours, Doug located a stove that someone in the Annaville area had tried to sell a year ago without success. It had been sitting in the garage, and when he heard about this woman's need, he knew he had to call Doug. I am convinced that God loves to work on jigsaw puzzles. I got drafted to haul the stove with Doug the next day since we had no other available volunteers, and we were able to be a part of the blessings God had for this woman. She cried tears of joy when we prayed with her and encouraged her to continue seeking God in all things.

My family felt honored to also be a part of this ministry when I shared with them the story of the single mother. Why did I have to go that night? First, because Doug asked, and I felt led by God to oblige. Second, whenever my family has been in need, we have been blessed with a gift or with income that was unexpected. So, when God puts it on my heart to pay it forward, you bet I will!

The furniture ministry of BAF Men has helped around 300 families in the past 3 years, and it is done through donations from all over the Corpus Christi community. If you have gently used furniture that is in good condition, and does not need a major overhaul, please consider contacting Doug Cook at 361-537-1536 or email We can also use men with trucks, or a pair of hands, who are willing to help this small team of just 4 men.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Experiencing God Class Starts April 27

Experience God like never before through this study!!

This is an invitation to the Experiencing God Study that will begin at BAY AREA FELLOWSHIP on April 27, 2010 at 7:00pm.

Come and Experience God like never before.

This course is a DVD and book guided course joined with discussion.

This work is not just a book for reading. It is part of a learning system designed to teach the content material and help people move into a deeper relationship with God.

Experiencing God is a study that has been done internationally by hundreds of thousands of Christians over the past since 1990. Several Pastors of Bay Area Fellowship have completed this study including Pastor Bil. It is a standard study for people who would like to be more sensitive to where God is working around them, how to hear the Holy Spirit, and what part of His working He is inviting them to participate in.

Through the biblical principles in this course, God will show you

  • He Loves you, and is pursuing a Love Relationship with you
  • know when He is speaking to you;
  • recognize His activity around you;
  • identify what He wants to do through you

There is a small cost for a workbook on the course that costs $ 18.00. This 272 page book will be yours to keep and it will include the entire course

If you would like to be a part of this life changing study please sign up as soon as possible. There will be over 100 men in this study so sign up NOW and let me know that you plan to attend so we can reserve your seat as we will purchase the books soon.

Please register by April 17, 2010 to be a part of the Amazing Life study.

Thanks for your time and blessings to you and yours in our Lord Jesus,

Jeff Powell

Cell # 361-510-6896

Friday, April 2, 2010

BAF Men Had a Hand in Moving Bicycles to BAF Westside Campus

Thank you to all the men who came to Bay Area Fellowship on Friday morning at 8:30am to help move roughly 300 bicycles to the new BAF Westside campus where they will be given to children as part of the Grand Opening on Easter Sunday. (See photos)

The project was led by Pastor Jason Curlee of BAF 5 Points, and well over 40 men arrived, some with their families, to help load and unload these bicycles onto trucks and trailers.

Volunteers are being gathered by Vance Feiler to provide night watch security both at the main campus and Westside campus locations through Tuesday after Easter. Call Vance at (361) 947-4597 or email if you are able to help.

We are also having a work day on Saturday, April 3, from 9am to 12 noon to finish out the Westside Campus. Show up with tools if you have them. The Westside campus is located at the Cesar Chavez Charter School on Mueller off Leopard.

Easter Services on Sunday will be at 10am and 11:30am.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

B.A. Kidz Train Conductors Needed

The B.A. Kids Train just got a facelift and will be back in action for the Easter Services at BAF. The train provides a fun-filled experience for kids who attend BAF, and we are in need of men who feel led to be train conductors.

Here is what is needed for Easter:

Thursday: 2 men before the 7pm service and 2 after the service (could be the same 2 guys)
Friday: 3 men before and after for each of the two services, 5pm, 7pm
Saturday: 3 men before and after for each of the three services, 3pm, 5pm, and 7pm
Sunday: 3 men before and after for each of the four services, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm

We will also need men to be train conductors as a regular ministry within B.A. Kidz. Contact Scott Walker for more details on how to get started. Email or call 361-215-6120.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Name, New Focus on BAF Vision

The Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Pastor Bil's Vision (Paraphrased)
To reach the lost in this world by focusing on growth in the following three areas: Our house (the main church), our Multi-site campuses, and our television ministry.

The Calling on BAF Men
The purpose of BAF Men is to build relationships that bring people to Christ, groom new leaders, and be the hands and feet of Bay Area Fellowship.
  • We have changed our name from "TheMoB" to "BAF Men" because we are not a club. We are all the Bay Area Fellowship Men who walk through the church's doors.
  • We have put the 2011 Be Bold Men's Conference and many other projects on hold to focus on our purpose as a ministry.
  • Our men's groups will still conduct bible study, but the aim of the groups will also be to groom leaders in Christ.
  • We plan to have "Experiencing God" classes throughout the year and see over 200 men complete this course.
  • Our projects and missions trips will be focused on building up and building out our multi-site campuses. When BAF goes on a mission trip, we will be there to stay with a multi-site campus. Our first multi-site build out will be the Westside Corpus Christi campus. Details to follow.
  • We are forming 8 production teams that will learn the ins and outs of production at BAF. These teams will then be able to go to new locations, establish and build out the production needs for those new locations, and train local volunteers to do the same.
  • Personal invitation is vital. People are brought to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through a personal invitation. Bring men to church and BAF Men meetings or projects with a personal invitation. We challenge each man to invite five men to any BAF Men or church event.
  • We also encourage you to shake the hands of 2 to 3 men you don't know at church every weekend to simply say, "Hello, I'm so glad that you made it to Bay Area Fellowship this morning/evening." There are men spiritually hiding and dying in the back rows of our church every week. We can reach out to them and lead them to a closer relationship with Jesus simply by shaking a hand and saying hello. We will have BAF Men name tags for you at the Guest Relations Desk.