Wednesday, July 21, 2010

12-Week "Experiencing God" class completed.

The 2nd class of the "Experiencing God" study by Blackaby completed the course this past Monday, July 19, at Bay Area Fellowship. The program included a summary of the lessons learned in the course, an introduction of service ministries and discipleship groups, prayer, and cake & ice cream. The point of the evening was about next steps to apply what they had learned into their lives. The next class will begin sometime in early 2011. See pics here...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week #2 of "The Measure of a Man" study, join us!

This Monday, July 19, we kick off the second week of "The Measure of a Man" study covering the topics of living in moral purity (the husband of one wife) and living a balanced life (a temperate man).

Again, this study is based on the book titled The Measure of a Man by Gene Getz, and the study is designed for you to plug in at any time and not miss a beat. So, take a look at the calendar below and pick a day to plug in. Bring your Bible and an open heart.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

BAF Men Discipleship Groups Start a New Study This Week

"The Measure of a Man" by Gene Getz has been converted into a study guide just for BAF Men. For the next 10 weeks, we will study and implement the 20 qualities every Christian man should develop (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-10). These qualities are identified throughout the Bible, but the Apostle Paul lists them for us in two letters to Timothy and Titus, which makes this all the easier for us today.

The Monday & Wednesday groups have already covered the first study which covered the list of 20 qualities and dove into the first two qualities of being a (1) well-rounded faithful man and (2) someone of good reputation.

Here's the exciting challenge. Get to a group and make the commitment to grow in your understanding and relationship with God. Satan does not want you to know what we have to cover. Satan does not want you to build the kind of relationships, and alliances, with other Christian men that will grow your understanding of God's Word in the Bible and hold you accountable to living an authentic life centered on Jesus Christ. Satan flat out does not want you to be closer to God. Frankly, if he can convince the man of a household to quit, he has taken out the entire family.

We have set up the studies to be used independently or in conjunction with the book. We have books on order so you can read along and get an even deeper understanding of this study, but it is designed in a way that all you have to do is show up with an open heart and a Bible.

Don't have a book? No problem, we have some on order for you.

Have a book, but you haven't read this week's chapters? No problem, the study is designed just for you.

Don't have a book, and missed the first week of the study? No problem, each discussion/lesson works as a great stand along lesson, so you can plug into a group and still get something out of this. We designed this just for you as well.

Have a book, been reading it, and have the time to attend a group, but haven't? Well, get into a group! What's your excuse?

We've removed the excuses so you can make the commitment. Come join us and deepen your relationship with God starting this week.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

BAF Westside Block Party Postponed

For the time being, the BAF Westside Block Party is postponed. We will let you know when it is back on again. Thanks for your help in preparing for this event.

Also, we will not be handing out fliers on Saturday, July 10, to invite people to the postponed Block Party, so come play paintball at Splatter Action Paintball on Chapman Ranch Road. Registration begins at 9:30am and the first game kicks off at 10am after a prayer and a quick word about God. Cost is just $20 (rental, gun, all-day air, mask, and 500 rounds included.)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Finding Success That Matters

How can a man get exactly what he wants and not be happy? The fact is that many men today are getting exactly what they want in life, but are still hurting. For some, life just hasn't turned out the way they planned. In any case, most men feel a lack of contentment in life.

A man's life consists of his relationships according to an article written by Patrick Morley of Man in the Mirror Ministries titled "Finding Success That Matters". Our most important relationships are with God, our wives, and our children in that order.

Click here to read more from Patrick Morley regarding success sickness, having the right goals, the three viruses that infect men with "success sickness" (the rat race, unexamined lives, and cultural Christianity).

Are you a cultural Christian?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Who is a Disciple of Jesus and What Does He Look Like?

(Taken from Disciples Are Made Not Born by Walter Henrichsen)

Who Is a Disciple of Jesus Christi And What Does He Look Like?

"A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master." Matthew 10:24

  1. The disciple is one who in every area of his life determines from the Bible what is right and lives it consistently.
  2. The disciple is one who is in constant touch with people in need.
  3. In no way can a person get without giving or truly live without dying.
  4. The disciple is one who is in tune with the voice of the Spirit of God.
  5. One of the fundamental requisites for true discipleship is a spirit of desperation that burns deep within your soul.
  6. In paying the price for being Christ's disciple, we must purposefully destroy all avenues of retreat.
Jeff Powell