Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Experience Serving with the Furniture Ministry

by Jerry Dugan

On Monday, I received a phone call from a single mother of 4 who needed a stove the next day in order to receive approval for Section 8 housing. This may not sound like much to you, but for this woman and her four children it was a fresh start putting her children in a safe home and into schools that would give them a fighting chance at a future as well.

I passed her information along to the Furniture Ministry team leader, Doug Cook, and he got to work on it right away.

Here's the miracle of it all, our storage unit is empty, we are out of furniture to give away at this time, but God provided. Within hours, Doug located a stove that someone in the Annaville area had tried to sell a year ago without success. It had been sitting in the garage, and when he heard about this woman's need, he knew he had to call Doug. I am convinced that God loves to work on jigsaw puzzles. I got drafted to haul the stove with Doug the next day since we had no other available volunteers, and we were able to be a part of the blessings God had for this woman. She cried tears of joy when we prayed with her and encouraged her to continue seeking God in all things.

My family felt honored to also be a part of this ministry when I shared with them the story of the single mother. Why did I have to go that night? First, because Doug asked, and I felt led by God to oblige. Second, whenever my family has been in need, we have been blessed with a gift or with income that was unexpected. So, when God puts it on my heart to pay it forward, you bet I will!

The furniture ministry of BAF Men has helped around 300 families in the past 3 years, and it is done through donations from all over the Corpus Christi community. If you have gently used furniture that is in good condition, and does not need a major overhaul, please consider contacting Doug Cook at 361-537-1536 or email We can also use men with trucks, or a pair of hands, who are willing to help this small team of just 4 men.

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